Monday, January 10, 2011

FSM 3001 Please Comment

Please view the video and the article then comment with your thoughts.



  1. I think dancing flight attendants can have both good and bad attributes. It grabs peoples attention and could get more people to pay attention during the flight safety instructions. However if people focus to much on the dancing they could miss safety information and then the dance would have failed in its objective. Also some may view the music as offensive and thats a whole nother issue to deal with

    Andrew M.

  2. I believe that it is a trend to grab people attention by using Music and Dance. It is not only a huge part of our culture but of cultures around the world. I personally have flown many times and do not pay much attention to the safety briefing anymore. However the people who have been on many planes in their life time will be sure to pay attention whether the flight attendants are dancing along to Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. In fact, I believe it to be slightly degrading to the flight attendants and to add another thing they have to do on top of take care of hundreds of guests a day is, in my opinion, slightly ridiculous.

  3. I'm down with the dancing flight attendants. I think it's a cool and unique way to get people to pay attention, because let's be one watches them anyway because we've all seen it all over and over again (I have, at least).

    I don't think it'll take away from the safety aspect either, it'll increase it if anything else.

  4. i think the point of the dancing was to get the attention of the people and get them to pay more attention to the instructions. also it may have been suggested by the flight attendants so that they wouldn't be bored by saying the same information over and over. it gives them a little more personality.

  5. I personally do not see a problem with dancing flight attendants, it was clearly grabbing the peoples attention. I cannot speak for most people but when I fly, I notice most people tend to not really pay any attention to the flight attendants as they give the preflight emergency procedures. This at least grabs the passengers attention and will cause them to pay more attention than without any music or dancing. Its still getting the message across that they are trying to get across.

  6. I think that the idea is new and exciting. I never would have thought that something like this would have come about. I think it is helpful and will usefl to passagners. I personally get bored and tired of them explaining the saftey regulations everytime i fly but do understand the importance of everyone knowing. By making it fun and easier to listen to because music is linked with it makes it alot better. I do not believe this would cause any distractions or bring about any problems. In my point of view its just bringing more of a up beat image to flying saftey.

  7. Thank god someone is making the information they give on every single flight more entertaining!! I agree with the article that it boosts morale but i think that the idea will create a sexist environment and will be demeaning to the stewardess is a little extreme. it could be a good way for the airline to increase ticket prices since they are technically providing more entertainment for the passengers. On the other hand, im certain that people are paying more attention the the dancing and not the instructions. not that people listened before....

  8. I also like this idea.I definatly would pay more attention to this rather than that same video everyone has seen.If it works for this airlines I think other airlines should try to do something similiar to this to keep passageners entertained .The only negitive thing i can think about is directed to frequent flyer's and sitting threw this multiple times probaly will start to get annoying if they never change it up

  9. I have mixed thoughts about this situation. I believe this is a very serious situation that should be very clear but at the same time it’s a good way to attempt to attract more attention. We briefly went over in class something about commercials using sex appeal to grab attention and I think this relates to that as well.

  10. I believe the dancing flight attendants are good to grab certain peoples attention but it is not catering to all age groups. Yes, teens thru people in the 30's may all love the music and the show; but if my parents or grandparents were on the plane they would be complaining about the music. Otherwise its a great ploy for your attention.

  11. I think this is a hilarious and good idea. I fly all the time from home to school and I can't tell you how many times I have not paid attention to the flight attendants during these little safety demonstrations. This is a great way to get passengers engaged in what the flight attendants have to say. Secondly, in the unlikelihood that the plane does crash the information provided at the beginning of the flight was the same as that if the flight attendants were not dancing. I think the only sound argument for why this is negative is that it could be considered sexist. In that case i believe as long as the attendant knows that this will be part of the expected job requirements it shouldn't be a problem, and why not have a male flight attendant dance? It might be fun for the female passengers and provide a more interesting flight for everyone on board.

  12. i think its a good idea. its a way to grab the peoples attention using nowaday music and instructions to teach them. they can also use different genre of music too. there are many interesting way to do things now. i remember there being a video where a flight attendant rap the procedure out.

    p.s. - its angel

  13. The dancing flight attendants is a good way to get peoples attention, however, it is distracting. While watching the video I wasn't really paying attention to the guy talk about safety procedures, I was too busy watching them dance. Also, the music was too loud for me to even understand the guy talking. Its a creative way to get attention, but is a distraction to the getting the safety procedures instructions to the customers/guest.

  14. Honestly, I would be annoyed as hell is they pulled this on a plane I was on. I feel like it's a tad unnecessary. People take planes to get from point A to point B. The airports aren't losing money because people are losing interest in flying, they're losing money because just getting onto a plane in the first place is a pain in the ass. Nobody likes dealing with security checks. Half of the time the people performing these tasks have no clue on what they're doing. Airports need to take a look at the efficiency of their own employees, then they'll start doing more business. That or serve food again. Many Asian-based airline companies still serve meals. They're fantastic.

  15. This idea is a good one, but using music with singing can get somewhat confusing to the guests that are flying for the first time and haven't heard the safety instructions before. I can see how it can be sexist, or maybe I should say commonly perceived as sexist, but over all I didn't think it was harmful. Plus I'm not sure why the article only focused on being sexist toward women if there is a guy in there as well.

  16. I think that the airline has taken a creative approach to entertain but still inform the passengers of the flight. Typically at this point in time, half of the flight has headphones on or are already well on their way to being asleep. The playing of music with the incorporation of dance immediately grasps the attention of all passengers. It's effective in the way that people are somewhat forced to pay attention because the whole situation is so eye catching. The only drawback I could see is the one person who ruins everything by complaining that they were distracted by the music and were unable to pay attention.

  17. I look at this in two ways, one being that this can take away from actually paying attention to the safety instructions and just paying attention to the dancing. Our getting involved with the whole presentation having more people understand and better flight experience.

  18. Stephanie

    I feel as though dancing flight is a good idea, it not only gets people's attention but it also makes the flight attendents job more interesting. I also feel as though it is a good idea because it could put some fliers at ease. Not everyone is comfortable with flying so it can get their mind off the actual flight and concentrate on the safety instructions.

  19. I dont really care if the flight attendants dance or not- I am asleep within about a minute of sitting on the plane. If I werent sleeping , I think that I would be irritated- planes are for traveling. But I dont like kids on planes either- this would just be a bonus.

  20. it is entertaining and i like woman dancing, but i think it is more of a distraction. people should seriously pay attention to those safety precautions and if they are distracted by some woman dancing then they might not know what to do in a real situation

  21. I think that the dancing flight attendants are awesome! It gets people to pay attention; the dance moves are in connection to the safety regulations and people watching will see the rules/regulations. It makes a flight a lot more enjoyable if the attendants are having a good time; turning a long, boring flight into an experience that will sure to leave smile throughout the remainder of the flight. This in turn will create satisfied customers. It's a new attitude that many may not appreciate, but not all new things are bad.

  22. Wow what a world we live in! Why do we need to change everything?
    I guess companies will do anything just to get more money from customers. We are all talking about how entertaining this could be to passengers or how sexist this could be. Have we thought about how unsafe this could be for the girls; what if they get hurt when doing the routine? Also will the girls get paid extra for dancing while going over safety protocols? I just don't think that this is a good approach; it's a little over the top for me.

  23. I don't think this is an issue at all! Having the flight attendants dance is just a great way to keep people interested in listening to the safety procedures. Everyone that I have discussed this video with agrees with me, most of them admitted to not even paying attention when the flight attendants show you the normal procedure. I think it's just a fun way to keep people entertained and to liven up their jobs a little.

  24. I think that passengers be either very drawn to this or completely turned away. Younger people and children would probably enjoy the entertainment during what is normally a pretty boring segment of any flight. The problem with this is that these people will probably not be listening to what the instructions are but the performance from the attendants. On the other hand, I think some people could possibly never fly on this airline again just because of this performance. I myself wouldn't mind being on this flight. I enjoy a show and have heard these instructions many times before, but I agree with people who are against this saying that the attention is taken away from the safety instructions.

  25. I don't see anything wrong with having a little fun with the safety instructions. There was nothing offensive or sexual about the dances they did, and there might even be male flight attendants dancing too. It's sad that a little cheesy dance routine on an airplane has caused concern for's not that big of deal. I do, however, see how the dance could detract from the true purpose of the safety instructions, but unless it's your first time on an airplane, I'm sure you don't pay attention to the instructions anyways. Overall, I feel that it's completely harmless and the job is still getting done

  26. I do think the VP of the Airline was thinking outside the box to have the attention of the passengers and the music played will definitly grap people's eyes towards the flight attendends. I see nothing wrong with this.

  27. I think it is a good start to a thought. But, I do not believe they thought this all the way through. I also think if they were to catch customer's attention with the music than just start the music have the flight attendants come down the aisle. And then shut off the music. The passengers aren't really watching and paying attention to what the gentleman over the loud speaker was saying. They are only really listening to the music. TAR539

  28. I think dancing flight attendants is a good idea for entertainment but not a good idea for the actual safety of an airline. Safety should always be a main concern for airlines and by having the flight attendants dance while they give important instructions is not a good idea. It makes it seem not important and just for entertainment. When there is a real emergency people are going to want to know what to do and will not care about how much fun they had by watching the flight attendants.

  29. I have mixed feelings about this..although at first it seems slightly degrading to the women flight attendants, I was not as shocked as I thought I would be. They are walking a fine line but seem to keep it appropriate enough and engaging for the audience to provide an important message. For the most part, people know the safety guidelines as many are not first time flyers, so this is a refreshing way to bring safety to attention; but I feel for those on their first flight it is more distracting and rushed.
