Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Technology in Restaurants.

Read the article and then comment on what you like and don't like best.
Click here for the article.


  1. I can agree that technology is a convenience in restaurants that may help customers and businesses alike, although I do have to say that using technology could remove the human aspect that adds to the experience of going out to dinner. AK140

  2. JF140 4:50

    Technology is such a rapidly growing field it is often hard to keep up at times. The article pinpoints the use of smartphones, tablets and apps in the restaurant industry. Some of these apps save time when it comes to paying and service and like any business time is money but what are we really sacrificing for these technological conveniences? Funny to think that some of the first touchscreen handheld computers have been around for about 6 years now. Personally I would take a great waiter over a greasy, finger print covered tablet sitting on my table any day. We cannot simply omit the aspects of great hospitality and human interaction, two factors which can dramatically elevate your dining experience. It is vital that as students. professionals and innovators that we continue to reinvent and mold our future but stay true to our traditions

  3. I think it is important that these restaurants are keeping up with the times and upgrading to stay with their clients, but I do not like the "table at the table" I think it takes the personality out of the service industry. If I don't want to deal with any people I can just order in and eat by my self. we have to upgrade but we can't take the people out of the service industry

  4. The use of technology will only keep increasing in upcoming years. Restaurants won’t be the exception. I had the occasion to work for food venues in which we utilized technology to take food orders from customers as well to provide credit card services via wireless connection and it makes the job easier. It will also be an advantage for an owner to use technology to lower payroll cost, so the ramification will minimize the use of a waiter and/or host. That will affect the working class financially, but overall the use of technology in restaurants is a great addition when is not used excessively. GJR 140

  5. PM-R 9:20

    With technology integrating into the every day lives of the masses it is helpful to see that businesses are using technology to help cut costs and to assist the customers in their purchases. I personally have used the app grubhub to purchase food, which allows for an easier transaction than a phone call that may or may not be misheard, misinterpreted, or overall botched by mis-communication. Restaurants stepping into the 21st century by teaming with these many applications aiding both the business and the customer in their purchases is a step in the right direction.

  6. Technology is rising faster each year and since most of us own a device it is harder to get away from it and get back to the "simpler ways". I think its good that restaurants are getting into technology more and being advanced and quicker and much easier. Although what I don't like is how far its going. A lot of people enjoy human interaction when going out to eat but if the screens are the ones doing all the work what is the point. It's seclusion and lack of building a long relationship with the customer that might jeopardize the business.
    AM 920

  7. EC 920
    The technology that is being created for the restaurant business alone is incredible. I think it is great that these restaurants are keeping up with the times and appealing to customers in new, inventive ways. This is a great way to get younger people to become regular customers, that may spark into a family tradition that will keep the younger generations coming back for years. The new technology's biggest asset is the convenience. Everyone wants to be able to get things done quickly and without complications. This is done extremely well by putting the device on the table that allows for ordering and paying. This convenience may come at a price though. This device is replacing a job that a person once did. So if more of these kinds of devices were put into restaurants, the job of waitering may soon be extinct and cause harm to the economy.

  8. Technology seems to becoming increasingly apparent in the food business industry and while I've barely had a deep experience with it in restaurants I'm very interested on how integrated restaurants will be in the future. I like the idea of incorperating technology into restaurants but I'm worried about peoples jobs and the unique experience of having a waiter or waitress catering to your needs SN140

  9. SR 920
    The improvements in technology are all meant to make life a little easier or better. But having tablets take orders, payment and entertain the guest and costumers is not an improvement that is making life better. Yes it is making the whole process of ordering and paying easier but it's cutting off the human interaction that happens between guest and staff. For that simple interaction can make the difference between a life long costumer and a one time only costumer.

    1. I agree completely! technology is great, until it interferes with the customer-to-waitstaff relationships.

  10. DG140
    Technology has created new interactive ways for customers to experience eating out. With new apps, online reviews, and tableside tablets entering the restaurant world, customers are able take the enjoyment of eating out to a new level. Restaurants may be gaining profit from lowering overhead cost, and receiving more customers, but the social and hospitality interaction is lacking. Along with the food, hospitality is what brings customers back to a restaurant, and can make a difference between a Michelin star and a casual restaurant. For those aiming for a profit, technology is in their favor, but for those looking to be recognized for the art of culinary and hospitality, sticking to the basics is in their favor.

  11. JL9:20

    Technology in restaurants has its good and bad perks. The bad can be seen as a lack of social contact, and or hospitality which is important for a restaurant. Also with the use technology another bad perk in my view is that many technologies get hacked or viruses which can cause problems and more money that has to be spent. Then the good of the use of technology is that it can be a sourced of entertainment and or maybe a fun experience to try.

  12. Technology in a restaurant is a good and so what bad revolution in the industry. Good for the Wild Bars that can now cut table times down, a good improvement for the opening restaurants with less start up cost, and training people that have no experience in the restaurant industry. However, on the flip side for the restaurant that has been around that has a paper system with perhaps some ingratiation in a digital system already in place. They will not see a need in the tablet menu idea. Especially in the higher scale restaurants. I just don't see a Tablet working its way into a Sushi Saito, or a Noma, as of now. For the independent restaurant trying to achieve that high scale it might just be too costly, they don't see the profitability, or have the lack of knowledge for the system. Right now its not a big issue as this change is just starting, But as more people grow up with tech there will be an influx of tech and its are job to stay on the if not cutting edge then at least the blade end of the front so as to not fall behind and become complacent and you know lose your business.

  13. I beleive that technology shouldn't take place in restaurants. The reason why is it takes away from having the interaction between the server and the costumers. Daily we use technolgy in our lives and somewhat can be a problem. When going out to eat it should be a nice clam and relaxing dinner, lunch or just drinks. Also the older gerneration might have a hard time using and understand the use of the technology when placing an order.


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  15. I think that increasing technology in restaurants is viewed either as positive or negative depending on which age group or generation a person belongs to. Older generations not only run into problems with technological instruments, but may also desire the traditional face-to-face contact experience with the employees when dining out. After all, employees can build relationships with customers much more than an iPad can. However, younger customers probably prefer the technological experience because they are already accustomed to communicating through cell phones, tablets, and laptops. In addition, games at the table may entertain adults or children, but prevent them from conversing with one another. Supplementing iPads for employees may keep employment costs down, but I feel that less direct communication between customers and servers really takes away from the dining experience.
    JB 920

    1. I really like the comment made about generations. My grandmother can barely work her "jitterbug" cellphone, and if restaurants made everything automated, she would not be able to order anything.

  16. BC 920

    Technology in restaurants has its pros and cons just like any innovation would. In society today, at least in America, people generally want to be able to get everything quickly and easily, this is no different for food. It would be very difficult and costly for restaurants to hire enough staff to do the jobs that the technology could do, if a customer is able to sit down, order their food and pay for their food without having to deal with any people besides the ones that bring it out from the kitchen then restaurants can cut down on labor cost tremendously. This only works for more quick service restaurants because if someone is going out to a more high end dinner they are going to want to be able to interact with waiters to ask questions or just getting a more personal experience during their meal. Technology can be very helpful in certain situations but in an industry that is very reliant on person to person interactions it can also hinder an overall experience.

  17. I think that with the increasing amount of technology available restaurants should be taking advantage of possible better and easier ways to do things. I do not think that technology should replace the job of the server, only help the server. At the restaurant that I worked at over the summer the servers logged into the restaurants system of sales via applications on their phones. Older people often thought that the servers were ignoring their orders and texting on their phones.

    JF 140

  18. Technology is an increasing trend in today's restaurant industry. I think that for the most part technology is a positive thing in the restaurant world. It increases productivity and allows them to increase sales in ways that are not possible otherwise. The negative would be that some technology in restaurants is disrupting the service connection that people expect when dining out. They want to be served or they would just order takeout MM140

  19. As I was reading this article, I kept thinking that technology has major pros and cons in the restaurant industry. The obvious is that it makes everything much easier for the restaurant. But the cons are that it truly could take away from the whole experience. If there are I-Pads left on the tables with games on them, the costumers may not be interested in anything except for the games. Most kids now have technology in their lives everyday, and dinner should be a time for them to get away from it, and spend time with their family. But technology is very useful when it comes to taking orders and paying.

  20. TVP140

    This article had its pros and cons. One of the pros would be that table-side tablets could be a form of entertainment for younger kids to enjoy instead of just sitting there waiting for their food to arrive. Another pro of technology in restaurants would be the ability to pay with your phone. We would no longer have to figure out change when dealing with cash and not have to reach into our pockets and pull out a credit card. A con to technology in restaurants would be that it would take away the conversational aspect of dinner, whether it be with family or a group of friends. In today's society, we rarely see tables holding conversations with each other. Instead, people spend most of the meal on their phones and only put it down when the food actually arrives.

  21. EB 1:40
    There are many pros and cons for using technology in restaurants which can be good or bad for a restaurant. What I like is that there are many advantages of having technology is that customers can order their food as soon they want something and do not need to wait for a waiter to order, needing fewer staff and it will less likely to make an error while making an order. Some disadvantages which I do not like is that it can be very expensive, less human interaction and also what happens if it malfunctions or breaks and it also take away jobs from people.

  22. NK9:20

    In the past couple of years, technology has been on the rise in restaurants. They are starting to use tablets, ipads, iPod touches, and other hand held devices that are delivered to your table. One restaurant I went to used an iPad to display the drink and cocktail list, which was a good idea because it was rather large. It broke down the drinks into categories, which made it quicker and easier to choose a beverage. On the other hand, some restaurants use these devices for games and other non-dinner table related tasks, which does bug me. In this business especially front of the house, human interaction is crucial. Waiters and waitresses are judged right off the bat for their service or tone of voice the second they talk to their guests. These devices also take away from the dining experience. What is the point of going out to dinner to interact with friends, family members and your waiter or waitress if everyone is texting or playing games on a tablet provided by the restaurant. They should have just got take out.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Technology in the restaurant industry can have some benefits and some deficits. On the positive side, having the tablets available to the customers at their tables gives them something to do in the empty spaces their server is away. The servers using tablets and smart phones to take orders ensures that they are accurate and in order, helping the kitchen put out food on time and in turn increasing the turn over rate. Opposite to the previous points, in the case that the technology cuts off there would be chaos. Also, there is a lack of human interaction between the customers and their servers. I think that we should embrace the new technological advances or we will be left in the past.

    JM 1130

  24. While I agree that any good restaurant should keep up with the current trends to attract more customers, I don't like the idea of a tablet at the table. Sure it would save time and the get the food out quicker, but isn't part of the reason to go out is to spend time with people? You're missing half of the dining experience by sitting there, playing games and never talking to a waiter until they bring the food. How is it going to affect waiters tips in the long run? Half of the time they use to engage the customer is now gone. I just don't think tablets at the table is the direction the industry should go in. GB140

  25. I find that the use of technology in restaurants will be a positive thing as long as it goes in the right direction and it doesn't take anything away from traditional dining. The use of technology can make it easier for both the customer and the restaurant, it allows customers to view reviews and menu's of a certain establishment etc before going out to a certain place, and it also restaurants to view reviews left behind and allow them to improve there service. NB140

  26. Technology is on an up rise and it is with no surprise that it has entered into the restaurant world. Keeping up with the latest trends and technology can be very useful for restaurants. One of the positive aspects would be that the restaurants information is made easily accessible to their customers; the customers may be more inclined to visit the restaurant if it has positive reviews on their mobile site. Also, a tablet can be added to each table at a restaurant in order to review the menu, and this can decrease the cost for printing physical menus. While also being able to use the tablet for menu purposes, payment methods could also be used. Although there are many positives to this happening, there are also negatives. The whole point of going out to a restaurant is to spend time with the people around you, which is not a main purpose when a tablet is placed on the table. Also, some of the older generation are skeptical about the use of technology. It may be confusing to some, and some would rather prefer a personal interaction.


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  28. YS 140
    Technology absolutely makes us be much more comfortable in restaurant industry as well as all of our lives. We do not need to wait for ordering food or we can pay directly. We even also can check how much money is left in my account right away. However, the most impressive thing for me in this article is that some people still prefer to deal with people. I firmly agree with this idea because technology such as smartphone and tablet really interrupt communication between people even while they are eating.

  29. KZ 140
    Technology in restaurants makes the lives of the server and customer easier. It is impressive that technologies like that can even order the food without looking at the board or paper menu. Customers can order by looking at the smart phone or tablet. The uprising of technology will also effect the communication gap between customers and workers. Other than that, it will also take away jobs from people.

  30. KA140

    I have split feelings with the use of technology in restaurants. It is great that more restaurants are keeping up with the new trends on the up and coming, but I feel like all of this technology is taking over everything and everyone. The greatest part of going to a restaurant is the experience of being with other people and interacting with them, enjoying your food, and good company. If you add a tablet to the mix, more and more people will be detached from others, and it is already hard enough to communicate with people with the smart phones everyone has. I personally do not like the idea of tablets in restaurants, but do agree with being able to pay with apps because it is convenient and fast.

  31. KY140
    I feel that the use of technology in restaurants has its pros and cons. I think using apps to place orders ahead of time at fast food establishments is a great idea. It makes ordering more convenient and speeds up waiting times. I also like the idea of being able to preview the menu, the menu prices, and prior customer reviews before attending a restaurant. However, I do not support the idea of using technology for ordering and paying at a sit down restaurant. When you go to a restaurant you go to enjoy time with your family and friends and to enjoy each other's company, not to be consumed with technology.

  32. EB140
    I fully understand that Technology is upon an up rise in this day in time. What I found distasteful is that we are becoming in my eyes a rather lazy society, due to the fact that we are able to do so much via the mercy of our fingertips. I don't like the fact that the entirety of the "restaurant experience" which is supposed to be a pleasurable, enjoyable, enticing experience, is now on a down fall because today's society is too involved with gadgets and technology. Additionally I didn't like how the article did not point out the negative flaws that this could become, this seemed as though it was geared in a one sided way. What I found interesting was that now we have the ability to order food in advance via smart phone.

  33. The rapid increased use of technology in restaurants does have its advantages and disadvantages. With the option of being able to view menus, order and pay checks using mobile devices proves not only to be economical (as it is paperless) but more efficient and accurate. But with that being said, the traditional interactions between the customers and the restaurant staff may soon not exist as there will be no need for people if these devices are doing their tasks and jobs which may affect the overall dining experience.


  34. NV140

    I liked this article because i think it is pretty cool how people can order before they even get to the restaurant their going to. Like it said in the article, it lowers overhead costs, which can help out restaurants a lot. One thing i didn't like about technology being in restaurants is that theirs going to come to a point where something goes wrong, and this is where I agree with the people who say they want to talk to a human being when ordering food, not touch a tablet.

  35. RR140

    I like how customers are able to check out a restaurant without having to go even near the restaurant. What I don't like about these new features are the reviews. Competitors could use the review feature to post false negative experiences or even worse businesses could pay people to post false positive reviews to give it the appearance of being a good restaurant. I feel that because of it customers should take online reviews with little factor and experience the restaurant for themselves.

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  37. JG140

    I feel that the use of technology in the restaurant industry has both pros and cons. I think that the use of technology prior to the restaurant visit is a good idea, this way people can look at the menus before hand and make reservations online, which is quick, convenient, and easy. However, I do not like the idea of table-side tablets in restaurants. Already our generation has trouble with coming together and interacting with each other without the use of technology and this will just increase the issue. Not only will the use of technology in this way take away from the overall dining experience, but it will also leave many people without jobs if the tablets start to do all the work.

  38. TW140 I love the increase in technology in restaurants, but I feel this can be great but also hurt many restaurants. I feel it could be bad because it eliminated consumer interaction with waiters and in some establishments thats half the experience. I like the factual aspect of this technology. It allows restaurants get more information to better rope in their target market.

  39. VB140 Technology is rapidly growing all throughout the world and is slowly but surely making a bolder a bigger move into the restaurant industry. While I do agree that with the advanced technology service can be tremendously expedited.. On the flip side it takes away from consumer interactions as well as jobs

  40. JB140 I think that the tableside tablet features at chain restaurants are fun and quirky, because you don't get a full restaurant experience when you dine at a chain that is nearly 100% reliant on frozen food anyways. As long as the impression of the tablet does not diminish the amount of money the guests leave as a tip, it seems like it advertises the food pretty well. You cannot break that what is already broken.

  41. MR140 I personally think that technology has changed every thing in our lives already. BI personally think that technology has changed every thing in our lives already. But not everything needed to be changed. I agree that technology does make our industry easier and way more efficient but I'm one that loves that interactions with your waitresses, it makes me feel special. Not only we lose this but what happens to all these people who will lose their jobs. And what happens when the technology fails us?ut not everything needed to be changed. I agree that technology does make our industry easier and way more efficient but I'm one that loves that interactions with your waitresses, it makes me feel special. Not only we lose this but what happens to all these people who will lose their jobs. And what happens when the technology fails us?

  42. AD 140

    I feel like it is necessary for restaurants to keep up with technology. As people become more accustomed to using there phones and other devices for convenience they will want to be able to use them more often in relation to restaurants. I do not the the fact though that tablets are being paced on tables. I feel like it gives too much of a distraction to guests to use the device instead of talking to each other. Technology has its place but should be limited.

  43. As technology is on the rise, it has become an industry in itself, and is creeping its way over to the restaurant industry now. I feel as though it is not necessary for this to happen, as the industry has been doing well on its own before the expansion. Who wouldn't love the convenance of having food delivered right to their door with just the click of a button? But when dining out I feel as though it is the human interaction forming our experiences and those experiences are what most people are paying for. We want the feeling of being waited on hand-and-foot when going out to dine. A tablet as the new face of interaction can only do so much and takes away from the full effect. Some may argue that a bad experience leaves a sour taste in their mouth for the entire restaurant itself, though a great experience can go further. I feel that the restaurant industry should stray away from technology and continue the pursuit of human interaction.
    HR 1130

  44. With technology on the rise, these restaurants seem to be loosing the true meaning of what a restaurant is meant for. Customers should be going there to interact with the people they go out with and the workers around them. Using technology at the table makes the customers focus on their electronics rather than one another. With technology taking over the ordering process, many servers may start to get laid out from their jobs. It can also be unreliable if the battery runs out or if there is a power outage. Technology is a great invention, but it is something that should be put away at the dinner table.

  45. VA 920
    Technology in restaurants has its ups and downs just like any situation that introduces something new. I understand that most restaurants are trying to follow the trend of today. And we all know that being tech. savvy and having all the new up to date technology is key with this generation. People today, especially in America, want everything now with no complications. With having computers in restaurants that can simply do everything for you except serve your food would make most Americans pretty happy. But now that the computer is your only source of communication people will lack the skills of holding up a simple conversation with someone. We already see it happening with phones and computers. I do find it helpful to have technology but maybe not so advance as some restaurants want to go.

  46. DM 920
    Technology has become a big part of our world, from the way we communicate to even the way we market ourselves. The use of technology in the restaurant industry, and food industry in general, has both advantages and disadvantages. The pros of the use of technology is that it saves time and it's simple enough. Everyone is always looking for a faster and more efficient way. The use of these table tablets and apps are quicker for customers to order their food without waiting for their servers. It also cancels out the possibility for there to be complications (messing up an order or taking too long to bring the bill). Technology has also become a trend, so for the restaurant/food industry to keep up with the generation, they have to become accustomed to being "tech savvy". A con of technology is that we have become dependent on it. Everything revolves around it. Technology almost acts as a controlling agent for society. People don't even know how to hold a conversation anymore, and can barely go a couple of hours without checking their phones. Technology has changed the way of communicating and living. Now when a family goes out to dinner, they don't even talk to the server, and probably don't talk to each other because they are interested in the games that are on the table tablet? I consider that taking away from the experience. Technology has helped us come a long way, but the restaurant/food industry and the rest of the world should slow down because it's going to become self destructive.

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  48. With new technology coming out every day and we find often times it hard to keep up to date some times. With technology starting in the restaurants it can approve one experience or not. This new apps and gadgets allows when you are ready to order you can just order and it allows you take your time and just enjoy your time with family and friends with minimum interruption. With the apps and gadgets in restaurant it can lack the interaction with people and provide a less personalize experience. New ideas are sometime hard to get use to and hard to catch on but as times goes on it will become more popular and will become a habit.

    MD 9:20

  49. AF 1130
    Technology is constantly changing and coming out with bigger and better things. In order for the restaurant industry to keep up, they have to incorporate these new and improved technologies in order to keep up with the trends. They should use the updates in technology to enhance the experiences of their customers. But I don't think they need to go as far as putting tablet screens at tables, basically eliminating the need of a server. Part of going out and dining is getting the experience of having someone wait on you and having that face to face interaction. Having a tablet at your table to order and take care of what you need takes away from the experience you would have if you had a very friendly server with a bubbly personality. However, I think that restaurants incorporating apps into the dining experience are doing it right. By using the apps that make it easier to pay right from your phone, it makes it easier for the customers and the employees when the check needs to be split 6 ways. I think the restaurant industry needs to find a happy medium between falling behind with technology and taking it too far.

  50. (SS1130) Technology has evolved over time. It has changed our world for both good and bad purposes. Bringing technology into the restaurant business can bring people in. This world is becoming more and more technologically advanced. We use technology for just about anything and everything we can. People also want thing faster. They don’t want to wait for anything including food. They want fast food to be faster. By using technology we can speed up the process of obtaining food and spend less money as an owner by not having to pay as many employees.

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  52. Technology in the restaurant industry is a continuously growing field and can be very helpful in acquiring information about your customers. For example covers per night, hours when you do the most business and of course most sold item. Of course with the increase in technology there are will be some issues. If you system is running on wifi and in the middle of a rush the wifi turns off then you're going to be in trouble. One thing that does worry me is that with tablets and smartphones being on the table to entertain you while you wait that eating out will become more impersonal that it already is.
    SC 920

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  54. Among the many changes that are currently taking place in our industry, I feel this may be one of the most important. As is the case with reservation systems and payment services, customers are now able to streamline the process of what otherwise be a lengthier process (ex. the payment of a bill) and I feel this is a positive change. On the other hand, I feel that with so many other similar topics, the question should be asked; while we leap forward using this new technology to make service, faster, more efficient and less expensive, are we eventually going to put ourselves out of jobs with this technology? I fear that with the amount of efficiency we are trying to create for the consumer, we may one day put ourselves right out of our own jobs.

  55. It is a case of old fashioned living style versus modern day technology, more specifically out with the old in with the new. We need to use all the perks and pluses technology has to offer for more efficient production out in the industry. Now a days a lot of technology simplifies work tasks and produces faster/more results. To not use it would be to waste how far we have come. Then again who's to know if we were supposed to get this far? Mankind will never be replaced by computers/robots/technology.

  56. In my opinion, the developing of technology should work in today’s industry because that helps to activate the industry even on a personal restaurant or a small places café as well. Besides, the customer can do a smart choice with specific information’s through their apps or site.

  57. With so many changes constantly happening in this industry i think this is a good change. Some might disagree for their own reasons but i think that for this case change is good. To a certain extent i think technology would make this industry more positive but it could also turn into something negative. For example the tablets at the table that take your order and payment for you, i think, is a bit much. IF we have tablets doing all that work why have waiter and waitresses? It would just be getting rid of more jobs to offer. Also i think with technology the younger generation will take it in better than the old.

  58. Technology seems to be ruling our lives these days. You can't go anywhere without seeing someone on a smartphone. Sure, they can make certain things easier and are convenient, but not everywhere. In restaurants, people don't go solely for food, but for the experience. Having a waiter allows them to ask questions and provides a more personal and memorable experience than just tapping a tablet. Also, not many people go out to eat alone. You would want to talk to the people you're with, not ignore them by playing a game on a tablet. Are people really that impatient and get bored that easily? To me, having technology in the food industry could destroy what it's supposed to be about.

  59. Personally I think that technology in restaurants will take away from the overall experience of going out to eat. When you replace actual humans with iPads and tablets on the side of the table, where is the interaction. If this is the way restaurants are going people will be losing jobs, tips will be going down and a lot more people will be in need of new jobs which are rare in themselves. The biggest flaw with the technology is if your server goes down how will the tablets and iPads work? They won't. If this were too happened you would want your "servers" back. All in all technology will ruin the field completely.

  60. Technology in the restaurant industry can have both a positive and a negative impact. In my opinion replacing the wait staff with tablets for ordering and paying is not the best idea. This makes the dining experience less personal which is something that many people look for in a restaurant dining experience. Another negative impact it can have is the distraction factor. Having technology present on the table just like smartphones can distract the guest from the real reason they are there, the food. The presence of technology can drastically slo down the flow of service and cause the turn over rate to decrease. It can also lead to more complaints from guests about cold food and incorrect orders because they were too distracted playing games to eat their meal while it was hot. However I although it does have some slight negative impacts it also has many positive ones. It can help to keep track of customer satisfaction with things such as surveys and digital suggestion boxes. I do think that technology is a great invention and can be helpful in the industry however the real focus should be the food and the experience not the games and techy methods of ordering. Overall I think technology should stay off the dinner table and let the food do the wowing.
    AM 11:30

  61. I believe that technically can be helpful but also harmful in the restaurant industry. While technically is convenient and have made many things in life easier, the idea of going out to a meal is to be social. Now that there are iPads to take your order and provide entertainment while waiting for your food takes away the purpose of going out. Our society now relies too heavily on our smartphones and technology as entertainment that we are losing touch with one another. We go to our phones to deal with matters instead of going to the person. Now that technology can take our orders, whats next they make our food? With technology growing so rapidly soon waiters and waitresses will not be needed, drastically increasing our unemployment which is already too high as it is. Yes technology is nice and convenient, but what happened to a little human interaction?
    JG 1130

  62. Although technology plays a very important part in today's society, when I learned that iPads and tablets were being put at tables in restaurants, I was a bit confused. I do not agree with the idea that having a device on the table will ease the process of bringing food, drinks, and a check to the table, or make the dining experience for the consumer any more enjoyable. Technology is already being used so much in everybody's daily lives and I feel that the dinner table should be a place where it should be prohibited. There is a lot more to a dining experience than just the food, for example the human interaction that takes place. These interactions between guests at a table would be affected by the tablet with video games on it.
    The use of technology beforehand however, is definitely beneficial to the industry. I think being able to view a menu online and even reserve a table is genius. This is one part of technology in the food industry that I believe will be around for a very long time.
    The use of technology in a restaurant can either be detrimental or beneficial, it all depends on how it is executed. One way to be mindful of how you can use technology in your establishment is to simply think of the consumer. I feel that many diners at restaurants enjoy the experience of being away from the hectic, technological lives they live, especially those in their mid 30's to early 40's. However, if your target market is a bit younger in age, maybe a technological option on the establishment's website might be useful to them.

    MT 11:30

  63. I believe that the increase in technology in the restaurant industry has both positive and negative effects. Side-table tablets are beneficial in getting information quickly to customers and lowering overhead costs. However, this decreases the actual conversations between the server and customer, as well as between the customers themselves. It also leads to a decline in the need for servers, which decreases job opportunites. As a society, we have become so dependent on technology, specifically smartphones. The upcoming generations can’t imagine living in a world without technology, and although it has improved our daily lives, I think we rely on technology too much. People are getting too comfortable with sitting in a room full of people, so focused on social media, that they forget what it’s like to have a conversation with the people around them.

    CE 920

  64. I feel as though technology in restaurants is a good idea but only for certain aspects. it should be limited to the use of the pos system to communicate orders from the front to the back of the house. The is good because it allow it all to be on one order and organized so that the kitchen understands exactly what is needed. I disagree that technology should be used for the customer to make orders. If this happens then this takes away the experience of the human interaction while out to eat. This will cause people to also be one there phones and not paying attention to the people that they are with. Younger people may like this idea better because it is the way that they grew up however, the older generation of people will probably dislike it.


  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Many of us are guilty of using technology in environments in which it is not necessary. The use of technology in the food service industry can be beneficial and detrimental to both the customer and business alike. The article discusses the use of tablets table-side. I personally have never encountered this at a restaurant but I would assume that this device limits the encounters one has with the wait staff. The device may have an option for it, but what if you have a question about a particular item or pairing etc. Also, what happened to socializing with one's family and/or friends at the table? If a tablet is entertaining you then what is the point of spending the money to eat out. On the plus side, this use of technology may speed up the entire process and allow more turnover. The use of apps to check menus, order take-out etc. is a wonderful invention and I use it frequently. If I am visiting an unfamiliar city and hear about a restaurant, I want to look at their menu. Overall, technology has its place in the foodservice industry but those who use it should remember that socialization is also imperative to an enjoyable restaurant experience.
    MH 11:30

  67. I concur with the article. Technology is a fast-growing revolution and restaurants need to keep up with it. The ability to instantly order food from your personal smartphone is ingenious, and definitely makes the time spent at an establishment much quicker. But, if a customer is too bust looking on their phones to notice the waitstaff, the overall quality of service may become diminished. Technology is wonderful, but there are some sacrifices that may need to be made.
    HC 9:20

  68. It is definitely true that technology is becoming more integrated into the world today. Technology is growing rapidly and has a lot to offer, although sometimes the results are not always beneficial. Yes, it is great that restaurants can now work technology into the way they allow guests to order food or pay for the check. However, technology can sometimes be unnecessary and even unhealthy. People do not need to be playing games while they wait for their food to come. Instead, they should be interacting with one another, by talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. They should not be playing games or checking their Facebook notifications. The use of technology can be beneficial when people can make reservations online, order food, or pay for the bill with an app. It should not be used to take the place of interacting with one another.
    BL 1130

  69. Technology is a rapidly growing industry. I think that it is great that restaurants are using it more but i also do oppose to it. I feel that when you go to a restaurant, you are going for the experience along with the meal. Although having a small tablet on your table for you to order from is a great tool and would provide for better accuracy, most people want to order from a waiter or waitress. I personally would rather want that human interaction over the technology aspect. With the way that technology has started coming into every aspect of a persons life, i don't believe that it should have such a big presence in the restaurant business.
    JF 920

  70. As a result of technology expanding at such as fast rate as a society, games and apps in a social setting are easily distracting us. With all the growing technology the restaurant industry is starting to cater to its customers by doing this, it could change the customer service aspect of dining out, with less interaction with the wait staff. We are losing the atmosphere of truly experiencing dining out with friends and family to smart phones and tablets.

    zw 11:30

  71. The use of technology is both good and bad. Yes, it can make life easier but it can also take away from good experiences too. I agree with most of these past comments that, although we use technology very heavily and that it is a great tool, the full experience of eating dinner in a restaurant is taken away by that technology. I would rather sit down and be waited on by an employee of the restaurant than be given a tablet to order all my food from.

  72. SP920

    I do not like the idea of tablets being used for ordering and paying in restaurants. I think that the tablet takes away jobs from people who may really need them. I also think that a really great waiter/waitress can make the whole dining experience. It's a lot less person with a tablet. I would much rather deal with a server rather than use a tablet that everyone has had their greasy, nasty fingers all over.

  73. Technology in restaurants is constantly changing. Currently, technology is opening doors between the guest and the kitchen through tablets and smartphones. I do not feel that ordering for quick service restaurants through apps is bad but when restaurants replace menu's with a smartphone or tablet i feel like it takes away from the experience at the restaurant. Although it is cool, the ultimate goal is to provide the guest with great service and an even better experience. Playing games at the table would completely change the experience the guest receives. For fine dining restaurants, they will have to find the balance to appropriately have the guest interact with technology over time while keeping the focus on the desired dining experience.

    CT 9:20

  74. Technology makes tasks more convenient but in the food industry it takes away the human interaction. Technology is a good idea for restaurants with a younger demographic, but anyone not in touch with it will become disgruntled. Computers can't tell you their personal opinion on specials or their favorite personal dish . As far fine dining I think it will take away from the knowledge that your server posses.

    AD 9:20

  75. I think that implementing this kind of technology in restaurants could be a good thing in certain places. It can be used as a tool of convenience, by shortening wait times, and providing additional information to the customer like allergens or if something is out of stock. Though I do believe that there should still be full service waitstaff who greets the customers at the table and answers questions, and gives the customers that human interaction.


  76. SG 9:20

    I think that technology in regards to restaurants using apps to allow customers to view menus, order food, or make reservations is helpful. One problem I'm worried about is that with tablets being used at tables instead of people, while useful to keep children entertained while waiting for their meals, could lead to restaurants no longer needing waitresses or waiters creating a major job loss.

  77. In todays era, people live in a world where technology is advancing ever so rapidly. With restaurant costs towards commodities and labor costs continuously on the rise, restaurants are seeking an alternative method to cut down costs. As Shah stated in the article, "...for which an increased use of technology may help lower overhead costs and provide additional data about their consumers (Shah, Para 3). Currently, table side ordering systems and smartphone apps are on the rise. The positives are customers can order immediately, reduction of dining time, reduces order errors and can potentially offer table side entertainment. The negatives include high cost POS systems, maintenance of the POS system, and potential limited security.
    In conclusion, I believe that the use of technology in restaurants can be slowed. I am afraid that the focus will shift from good hospitable service and interpersonal relations from employees to guests to a complete emphasis on only reduced dining times to increase profit. To be a successful business, a restaurant can't afford to loose. But the satisfaction of going out to restaurant, and enjoying good service makes the dining experience exquisite versus quick service.


  78. With technology advancing daily it is good for restaurants to add it to the experience of their restaurant. It may decrease the costs and expenses that the restaurant owner will have to pay, but it may cause other problems. This could be a problem if the internet in the restaurant is down then the customers may be upset and it will reduce the ratings for the restaurant. With it also will bring in a younger clientele because of the use of technology. Most of all with adding the technology like apple bees where the customer can order via tablet, it will decrease the availability of jobs in the area by needing less servers.


  79. I think that this article made some very good points in regard to the up and coming use of technology in restaurants. Although there is still a large group of people who prefer to work with people face-to-face, the majority of people love the ease and luxury of using technology to complete tasks like making a reservation, ordering food online, looking up a menu, reading or reviewing a restaurant on sites like Yelp, and various other tasks. The simplicity of being able to hit a few buttons on the electronic device of your choice and having a meal delivered to your door step or an extensive list of reservation options in your neighborhood at your fingertips has changed the way people look at getting their next meal. In regard to the use of tablets in restaurants to look at the menu, pay the bill and/or take a survey of your experience, this technology is sure to increase turnover rates in restaurants. Why? Because then guests (especially on a busy night) wont have to sit and wait for their server to bring them a menu or wait to pay the bill, they can do it as soon as they want (and leave faster). If technology is used in a helpful and productive way, I see nothing but good things on the horizon for the food service industry.

  80. I consider myself old school on this issue, as much as I love technology it should be kept out the dining experience for the most part. I love apps like open table and different payment methods that keep me from having to cary a credit card. However there is no place in the dining experience for a tablet at a table or an instragram photo of every god damn course. You go to a restaurant to enjoy a fine dining experience not to text and check Facebook and photograph your entire meal. And for those of you who love to look up what you're ordering on your phone, ask your server, chances are they can explain it to you.

    JC 9:20

  81. I believe that technology and restaurants is a good thing to help service move a lot faster. On the other hand there are some cons with this process. It removes people's normal experience with a regular service. But it is pretty cool.


  82. I think personally think technology is great when it comes to order food on your phone but I usually do it when I want to be deliver to my place. But I have never use my phone to pay while I'm in the restaurant. But I think it could be good sometimes but is not important.

    MB 9:20

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. The increased use of technology in restaurants has lead to faster service and satisfied customers. The usage of devices in restaurants allows the waiters and waitresses to send the order straight to the kitchen, and customers have the option to pay right from their phones with certain apps. The restaurant can seat more people, and the customers can leave quicker, everyone's happy. I do not agree with the use of table-side tablets to order directly from table, unless there are waiters in view ready to answer questions or to check up on your meal. They may be some people that prefer this way, because it is quicker, but I think the majority of people would rather to order face to face.

  85. I strongly believe that technically can be useful and helpful. But, there are also harmful weakness to restaurant industry. For example, black consumer and white consumer, the problem is black consumer is consistently increasing and today, they are moving to smartphone and writing false comments and be against common sense. Likewise, even if while technically is convenient and have made many things in life easier, we need to keep in mind double-side dness which, actual mean double edged sword is made by consumer's demand of level of service. We are living in 1G to 4G and waiting for 5G would be more convenient or show another innovation.

    JH 920

  86. I believe that technology is useful and has its purpose. In my deepest and honest opinion, I believe that the people in the hospitality field (Business of people) should stay the business of people. For fast food restaurants, it would be much more convenient and they could get away with it better than a sit down restaurant. That being said, I have personally used a couple food purchasing apps and it is much more convenient and easy. I for one have had enough people being on their phone at restaurants and not engaging in conversation or anything. Its a shame but its the world we live in.

    "I fear the day when the technology overlaps with our humanity. The world will only have a generation of idiots." -Einstein

    DH 920

  87. TS 920
    Technology in the restaurant business is a great thing for fast food and large chain restaurants. It allows them to serve a greater number of people because they can order at their own pace and not have to wait for a waiter. However for fine dining restaurants it would ruin the whole experience because that is all about atmosphere and feeling comfortable while dining not disconnected and no contact with people just a tablet screen.

  88. I think that technology in the workplace is great for efficiency and all of that stuff but if you're thinking of it from a servers standpoint, which is what I commonly am, it sucks. The tablet is basically doing all of your jobs for you minus bringing the food to the table. Which is something a food runner can do, so basically there wouldn't be a need for a server at all. It takes away the being able to interact with the guests and makes it less of a dun experience in my book. Ive been to one of the places with the tablet there and it just doesn't make it that much fun of an experience in my personal opinion.


  89. Devices in restaurants will help people order fast and be served effiently. But device on tables would quickly become filthy. To prevent this there should be specific places for ordering and paying.

  90. I believe that technology in the restaurant is unnecessary as far as customers texting at the table. I mean people can't even have a conversation these days without technology. However for promoting and things of that nature I believe it is useful, and something that all restaurants should do.
    EAG 1:40

  91. Technology is the restaurant industry is lending itself heavily to the changing of generations and the ease of consumers. It better connects everyone to menus, pricing and different options not previous had. It also adds to easy and less expensive forms of marketing. I do think eventually technology will take over the service industry and continue to replace human jobs and cut down on personal interaction and the experience of dining out however.
    MM 11:30

  92. One of the major things I didn't like about the article is the fact everybody is now relying on technology. Going out to dinner or the movies is meant to get away from it for a short period of time; and now that restaurants are focusing on running their business using technology makes no sense to me. I much rather have a traditional dining experience than a futuristic experience. Before we know it there won't even be waiters bringing our food to the table.

    FSM 3001 MW920

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. I believe that technology in restaurants is great and I like the idea that more restaurants are leaning that way when it comes to the customers. I like it because it is much faster when it comes to placing orders, making reservations, and if customers are trying to locate your restaurant whether they are just looking to dine or just want to know about your restaurant in general. It also will boost your customer base from all over the globe because now customers are able to view your menu and read your history and reviews globally and get acquainted with your restaurant from a distance. MW FSM3001 11:30

  95. I like how new technology has made ordering and paying for food faster and more convenient. technology helps people order what they want without being rushed through it while talking to a delivery person. Technology also helps people pay and go without having to wait for a check to come back. On the other side of the "technology in restaurants war" there are some people who are not very good with or do not understand technology and would much rather just have a conversation with someone rather than trust a computer or device. AC 11:30

  96. I really like the idea of using technology in food services that it is convenient and takes much less time. However, I feel like it distracts and interrupts the human interactions that will not create any joyful moment of human interactions. AL 1130

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. I believe that the advancement in technology within the food service industry is good to an extent. The use of technology within the back of the house; say a monitor with orders listed in order of most importance rather than tickets, could be highly beneficial to restaurants and other establishments around the country (this would also save a lot of paper). However, I feel that part of the food service experience is an interaction with a human being. If interaction was lowered, then I would suggest the tips be shifted toward the back of the house as well! Apps for ordering food ahead of time in several take-out places I feel is highly efficient and also inevitable. Technology advancements in the food service industry are all together inevitable and is bound to happen at some point. The amount of time it takes for people to get used to that, is unknown.
    CM 1130

  99. Nowadays, many restaurants start to use smart technology in their place like what article mentioned. In my opinion, I think that Using high technology device in restaurant make our life very comfortable. For example, if we use this kind of device, we do not have to waiter when we have to order or pay check. However, it has also side effects because this is limited to only young generation. Old people do not know how to use smart technology. Even, they do not have smart phone such as i-phone. Also, this kind of device can cause unemployment. If all restaurant set smart technology up in their restaurant, owners would not need waiters.
    Therefore, it can cause both positive and negative effects. If people do not want to cause negative effects, they have to use it correctly.
    JH TR1:40

  100. The opportunities that new technology present in the foodservice industry are seemingly endless. However, not every opportunity should be implemented into a restaurant's business. Things like making reservations over the internet are undeniably great but having a tablet tableside that takes away from a server's interactions with you is bad. There are already enough jobs being taken away by technology, let's not make serving go away too.

    PT 9 20

  101. I personally think that communicating with a waiter is way satisfying than using a tablet in order to get the experience of dining in a restaurant. I understand that technology is taking over our world and some of the restaurants trying to use the technology factor in order to have the modern restaurant atmosphere. Moreover, i think that there is an advantage / disadvantage of using technology; I think that using tablets as a paying system is a great idea to improve the quality service but on the other hand I think that using technology would not help the new generation to get to know how to communicate properly with people and so many communication / behavior skills.
    AA 9:20

  102. Technology in the restaurant is great. Its more efficient, its what everyone is doing in most fast food restaurants. Its convenient, faster and easier but the downside is soon you won't need servers.And tablets at the table will become filthy and disgusting. There should be a certain spot or area for paying and ordering.

    BW 1:40

  103. In my opinion, bringing technology into restaurant has its good and bad. The good side is using technology for paying checks is efficient and less mistakes create by human. The bad side of it is that there will be lack of communication between customer and server. It is one of the great parts of dining experience, because people come to a restaurant is not only for the food, but also for the service. I do not believe technology such as tablets will give me joy compare to human beings.

  104. I think the idea of technology in a restaurant is a great idea, if used correctly. I think to pay for checks in a restaurant after the service, as well as ordering take-in is great because it's quick, and efficient. I don't think technology should take over jobs of human beings, because the reason people go to restaurants is for the service, and if they're just dealing with computers/technology it takes away from the experience.

    JL MW11:30

  105. Kevin Govan I exceedingly agree with the notion of using electronic app as menus and games which might sound counter productive to others. There is a negative and positive aspects to using electronic app as menus. But the whole waitering experience and getting to know the customer especially if he or she goes on a regular bases the waiter or waitress would memorize what they order to show you care it pay close attention to the customer. Where as online its a convenience and easy to use especially gives an advantage if you want to order a head and is running late and should feel intuitive. But it all depends on the customer whether he or she wants to be in and out or more personal attention.

  106. Although technology used in the food service industry can and has been a resourceful tool for aiding, it cannot fully replace the restaurant experience you can achieve from human interaction. Technology is useful for ringing in orders or sending orders to the back of the kitchen. Technology is not as good as communication though. Waiters and waitresses don't malfunction like a tablet can, and human communication will always be the most effective form of getting your order across clearly.

    SM 11:30

  107. After reading this article it made me realize that technology is going to run our industry in the next ten to twenty years. I am not a fan of technology. I think life was simple and relaxing without having to carry your phone around or taking pictures of our food to send to our friends. I also think that our industry will slowly lose the customer service relationship we are suppose to have with customers. It is more less communication and more lets tweet our meal more than enjoy it with friends and family. I also do not agree with online reviews and critiquing when everything was more word of mouth and now we could just check the restaurant we are going to and expect everything that is coming towards us in our experience in the restaurant. DH 1130

  108. I believe that restaurants should only accept cash or credit cards. If people start whipping out their phones to pay, restaurants will now need to spend money on a technology overhaul to accommodate these customers. NB 9:20

  109. The growth of technology within restaurants today should have a limit. While having an app to make ordering take out or making reservations easier, using ipads or tablets to order a meal while sitting in the establishment takes away the job of the server which is not fair to do. With technology constantly improving so rapidly, eventually and restaurant might be able to be ran without any humans working there.

    LG 1130

  110. This comment has been removed by the author.

  111. I believe that the growth of technology has good and bad connotations. As far as having the option to be able to use technology to pay for my bill at a restaurant through an app I find to be ridiculous. I mean personally I enjoy dining out for the simple fact that I'm paying for a service. If a server can't perform such tasks as taking an order, serving food and being able to cash out a guest check then what's the point? For that I'd just eat dinner at home. Using an app to look up menu items, locations, or reviews is much more helpful and reasonable in my opinion.


  112. WC 350

    I don't really know how I feel about this topic. In some cases it might become unavoidable in the future do to the rise and dependence in technology. But the restaurant experience from start to finish is suppose to be a personal experience and entertainment for guests. So technology really takes that aspect out of the whole dining experience. But in todays day and age, technology is doing that to all of us anyway, so why not go with the flow if it will be cheaper for business's in the long run and make it "easier" for customers since our society is turning so lazy and un social. It would be nice if really high rated restaurants swayed away from using technology to keep the rustic natural feel to the experience. Like when I was in London and Barcelona last year all the restaurants I ate at were technology free and some had very old style environments in the building. Including a michellin star I went too called "Lima", which had a very out- doorsy yet modern style dining.

  113. I can relate to the usage of apps and delivery services. I personally have the McDonalds app on my cell phone and use it frequently, the app gives me codes for special offers like free foods and discounted foods. I like the convenience of ordering and looking at menus online instead of going into the establishment and picking what I want and waiting for it. The one thing I find inconvenient about the app is it is not always reliable based on location. If it were more reliable I would be more satisfied with it.
